He that finds his life shall lose it; and he that loses his life for my sake shall find it.
— Matthew 16: 25-26
Following the Lord is not easy. He never said it would be. But life with Jesus is far better than living without Him. Don’t believe me?
Let’s Blog About It!
Part III: The Unfathomable
The Lord showed me the lie. I had been deceived. And now He was giving me a choice: Choose ye this day whom you will serve.
Part II: The Fallen
My heart raced erratically. Knees buckled. Anguish flooded my body. His death created discord within me. I am generally composed when encountering unwelcomed news, but this time turbulence found me on the afternoon of May 8, 2023.
Part I: The Fallacy
I thought Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated facilitated good in the world and fostered sisterhood. So I accepted the invitation to join in 2009. On initiation day all was fine, until it was not. Walking into that solemn darkened room adorned with sacred ritual stuff sent me into a trance, literally.
We must be ready to allow ourselves to be interrupted by God.
— Dietrich Bonhoeffer