Part III: The Unfathomable
And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” - Matthew 22:37
Choose Whom You Will Serve
God, why does an upstanding citizen die senselessly? With fatherlessness prevalent in America’s Black community, why would You allow Carl’s two young sons this plight? What caused the argument that preceded his death? How does an armed neighbor walking his dog encounter my former student in the middle of the night and kill him?
The Lord was patient with my barrage of questions. I was struggling with Carl’s death. The circumstances surrounding it caused me deep trepidation. I was grappling for understanding and God knew it. None of it made sense. Yet it all made sense. God tells us that the secret things belong to Him but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law (Deuteronomy 29:29). But despite this, I remained unsettled. Turning my attention toward action, I posed my final question.
Lord, will You use me? Carl is gone, but others remain. What more can I do to bring people to the full knowledge of the hope I have in You [Jesus Christ]? Breaking His silence, He revealed my next step by placing uneasiness within me about my membership in Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA) Sorority, Incorporated. Uncertain as to why, I wondered, what does one have to do with the other? I was perplexed yet pliable.
Soon an anomaly on my social media feed garnered my attention. As an infrequent user of social media, this post from an acquaintance stood out. Without much detail, he casually mentioned a Christian who renounced her membership in AKA. It was enough to plant a seed. When I logged onto my Facebook page three weeks later, it happened again. This time from another follower of Jesus whose substantive posts I read. He referenced a YouTube video posted by another Christian renouncing her membership in AKA. Receptive; the planted seed was germinating.
My senses heightened from curiosity to urgency as I scoured YouTube in search of Thee Woman’s (her channel name) video. What are you telling me, Lord? Within minutes I was glued to her testimony as she shared a story which resonated with me from the beginning. She thoroughly explained the appeal of secret societies; methodically dissected the AKA rituals; and rightly divided the truth according to God’s Word. Planted at my dining room table, I watched her entire two and a half hour proclamation exposing the deception of AKA.
Then came the remembrance. I was transplanted back to the hotel conference room where I was initiated fourteen years ago. I saw myself kneeling in submission to pagan gods and dead founders as the Chapter’s Basileus (president) stood before me reading Scripture. It was just as it was during the initiation ritual on May 31, 2009. The only difference being the words were now amplified, mirroring the internal heaviness I bore fourteen years prior when she recited that same passage: YOUR PEOPLE SHALL BE MY PEOPLE AND YOUR GOD MY GOD! (Ruth 1:16b)
The Lord showed me the lie. AKA had misappropriated His Word for its own aggrandizement. I had been deceived. But He would no longer use me if I remained in covenant with these demonic pink and green gods since being made aware of the truth (2 Peter 2:21-22). Choose ye this day whom you will serve, God proclaimed (Joshua 24:15). Now I was grieving the way I had grieved The Holy Spirit. Tears fell uncontrollably. Sobbing, I was convicted. The deception was unfathomable. I had betrayed my God by idolizing another. The veil was now removed from my eyes (2 Corinthians 3:16). I repented. Then renounced my membership in AKA that very moment. Grateful for The Lord’s grace and mercy, I resolved to demonstrate my love for Him by obeying His Word (John 14:15).
After regaining a modicum of composure, I typed my renunciation letter to AKA. Then I cleaned house. I removed my work keys from the customary AKA lanyard that faithfully adorned my neck since crossing over to the dark side. I contemplated the young people I had influenced to follow in my footsteps. Anguished. I was sickened while continuing the arduous task of gathering all the AKA paraphernalia I had amassed in fourteen years - securing it to burn.
The following day, I had my renunciation letter notarized and mailed. Liberated. A heaviness lifted as I exited the mailing center. FREE reverberated boldly within me. While walking to my car, an unfamiliar gospel song began playing spontaneously on my phone. Its lyrics captured my attention: Tested but committed to staying with You. Ignoring thoughts that make me doubt You. Life says look at what’s wrong, but faith says stand and be strong. In the darkness I’ll still declare that You will bring me through. I will keep my mind on what You are able to do. I will lift my eyes, for my help cometh from You. I’m depending on You (Depending on You by Gene Moore).
No longer deceived. The tears fell once again. No longer grieved, I knew The Lord was pleased with my obedience (1 Samuel 15:22). I had courageously and wisely chosen Jesus Christ.
But as for me and my house, we will serve The Lord. - Joshua 24:15
Resources on Renouncing and Denouncing AKA, and other secret societies:
Visit Out From Among Them Ministries at
Thee Woman YouTube Video - Renouncing AKA:
Desiree Grace YouTube Video - Denouncing AKA: Faith In Action: