God Won’t Throw You Away
Jesus sealed the deal with his blood on The Cross, once and for all, so we need not replicate his death. But when remembering it, we should see our sins that nailed him there. All the lies, gossip, fornication, adultery, addiction, slander, abuse, betrayal, murder, pride, self-righteousness, and more. All of it. Even still, God did not throw us away, only our sins.
Breaking Down Love
Love is a choice. Pastor Tony Evans spells it out: “Biblical love is the decision to compassionately, responsibly, and righteously pursue the well-being of another person.” Whether we like someone or not is irrelevant when love is at work. As a friend often says, feelings are fickle. We can like you today and discard you tomorrow. A love predicated on feelings isn’t Christ-love.
Love is costly. Love does not allow for inaction in the midst of need. Love requires action, and action comes at a cost. Love cost Jesus his life. What are we willing to sacrifice for the sake of someone in need? Are we willing to surrender our pride to repair the damage we have caused another? Are we willing to be uncomfortable for the well-being of others?
Love categorizes. Loving others as Christ loves us is our mark to the world that we are his followers. Our titles, careers, education, race, affluence, influence, how well we quote scripture, or even the length of our relationship with God will not be the indicator that we are his disciples. Have you ever heard someone proclaim to be a Christian because they have been saved for decades, yet slander the name of others, gossip, and turn away from someone in need? Most of us have and it has caused us to question that very relationship they profess to operate in the name of. Don’t be misled. Jesus is clear: it is by our Christ-love for others that sets us apart as his followers. Nothing more, nothing less.
How many times have we disappointed, fallen short, and missed the mark? Immeasurable. Yet, God still loves us. He doesn’t curse us out. He isn’t rude. He doesn’t dismiss us, hang up on us. He doesn’t throw us away. Instead, he demonstrates through his actions his love for us. Our value does not diminish in his sight. God’s cancel culture consisted of Jesus Christ hanging on The Cross at Calvary with your sins and mine nailed to Him, canceling every debt we could never pay. So, the next time we feel the urge to throw someone away, let us remember how God’s love made way for the canceling of our sins and not our souls. Let us do the same with one another.